The Karmel Shop

 The Karmel Shop

Ora et Labora

According to Saint Elijah and Saint Elisha, from the beginning, they always taught their disciples never to charge for our work, whether it be spiritual (for priests: masses, sacraments, prayers), and even for works materials. We put a price just as an indication of something that could help the monastery. You are free to give what you can.

We don't have rooms with machines for making scapulars, books, and no other work. All work is carried out with the least possible machines, and quieter, even though the job to spend more time to be done.

Not for lack of financial conditions, but for a free option of union with God, Father and Creator of all. Karmel can never become a company. Not to earn money, nor to take away the art of creating and working given by God to his Children.

All Karmel's works are done in the solitude of the cell, in the middle of the forests or mountains where the Children of the Prophet Elias and the Virgin Our Lady of Mount Carmel, live. The products are designed to support human life on this earth to help others and serve as redemption for our souls. 
Products come from far away, Karmel Country!
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