The Holy Scripture
The name Lectio divina comes from Latin and has the meaning of "divine reading", it is a necessary food for our spiritual life. From this prayer, aware of God's plan and will, the spiritual fruits necessary for salvation can be produced.
Lectio Divina must be involved in God's plan of salvation. The principles of Lectio Divina were expressed around the year 220 and practiced by Catholic monks, in particular the monastic rules of the saints: Pachomius, Augustine, Basil and Benedict.
The first Carmelites had only Holy Scripture as a book in their cells, which they often read on their knees! Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus said, in a period of spiritual drought, that when the spiritual books no longer say anything, she seeks nourishment for her soul in the Gospel.
To have the practice of Lectio Divina, a true prayer of the nun, is to base our spirituality not on pasty and superficial devotions, but to base our spiritual life on the true liturgy and Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.
Lectio (reading)
Meditatio (meditation)
Oratio (prayer)
Contemplatio (contemplation)